KQ Worship Team Kick-off 2014-15 Agenda
1. Welcome
2. Forms, Schedules & Music
Distribute: Shirts, Medical Release Forms, Weekly Schedule, Snack Schedule
Team Schedule: By Week
Listen online: Through Videos or Week Schedules
3. Leadership
Introduce Adult Leaders: Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Leadership Training Seminar: Adding Teen Leaders, Leader Training for Teen & Adult in Sept. details sent via email
4. New Website Demo
5. Our focus this year
Truly worshipping: Sing the words from our hearts to God while smiling with joy!!!
Devotionals: Continuing backstage devotionals – teaching topics in KQ
At Home: Focus on Bible reading, prayer and practice!
Next Year: Full. Growth will be potentially adding additional worship services.
6. Community Opportunities
Nursing Home Visits: Will be scheduled regularly and be posted on the website to sign up. You will need to pay $5 for lunch – payment online this year.
Other Serving Opportunities: City of Refuge, 7 Bridges
Guatemala: Brief trip report
Announcing KQ Community!
7. Other important notes
Emails: Pls. Read entirely & let us know if you change. Janice Jones.
Final Notes: Turn in Medical Release Forms & Returning Kids Pick up Photo